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A.S.W. Day 1
We kicked off Active School Week in style today, with scorching weather and a jam-packed day full of physical activity and fun! We are already
We kicked off Active School Week in style today, with scorching weather and a jam-packed day full of physical activity and fun! We are already
The children in Scoil Chóca Naofa will be given two pieces of active homework each day this week. Here are some examples of the active
Here is the plan for ‘Active School Week.’ We will complete 3 physical activities each day in school. We encourage children to engage in 2
We are very fortunate to have a wide variety of sports clubs in our local area. We encourage children to become active members of their
Scoil Choca Naofa, Kilcock, Co. Kildare © 2020 All rights reserved