We have been super active in Scoil Chóca Naofa over the summer months. Please see below some of the activities we have been participating in!
Sponsored Walkathon
Our sponsored walkathon in aid of our brand new Astro Turf pitch was a huge success. A huge well done to everyone for taking part. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for their generation donations. Please have a look on our Instagram for more photos from the event and information on our sponsors.

Duathlon Event
A Triathlon Ireland event took place in our school on 8th June. Great fun was had by 5th & 6th Class. Super bike skills were learned by all. A huge thank you to our teachers and Triathlon Ireland’s Gary Crossan for coaching 110 children in all of these skills. Well done to the boys and girls. We are so proud of you!

Sports Day
Sports Day took place on Monday, 30th May. The children participated in a wide variety of races throughout the day such as egg & spoon, hopper races, relay races and dribbling races. Well done to all of the boys and girls on their wonderful participation!

We participated in an Athletics event organised by St. Coca’s Athletics Club. We won a total of 44 medals and had lots of fun along the way. Thank you Carmel and Larry Kelly for organising this fanatstic event. Maith sibh, a pháistí!

GAA Blitz
Thank you to Conor Gordon and Kilcock GAA club for organising a recent football blitz with Scoil Uí Riada & St. Joseph’s N.S. We had buckets of fun.

Please take a look over on our Instagram page @scoilchoca for more photos of the wonderful events taking place in our school.