We’ll try to keep this page regularly updated with after school activities around Kilcock and Maynooth as well as activities held within the school grounds.
Please email us if you have any information regarding other activities that we can add to the list. I have also published the names of some attractions worth a visit around North Kildare .
Please confirm with relevant contact number, the times and venues of activities.
Scoil Chóca Current In-School Activities(Last Updated Feb 2025)

Clonfert Pet Farm
Clonfert, Maynooth
Tel: 01 6285422 Mobile: 087 2309712
Email: joandunne48@icloud.com
Web: www.clonfertpetfarm.com
Guided tours and hands-on farming fun. Historical location. Safe and secure for all ages. The road to Clonfert Pet farm is on the original Pale boundary.
We cater for : Birthday Parties; Toddler Days; Groups of all sizes.
Donadea Forest Park
Tel: 045 869151 Mobile: 087 9524048
Email: tara.a.ryan@coillte.ie
Managed by Coillte, the Irish Forestry Service, the park was the home of the Anglo-Norman Aylmer family who occupied the castle (now in ruins) from 1550 to 1935. The castle, church, walled garden, ice-house and lake are set in over 250 hectares of parkland. Nature trails, walks and a café make it a superb amenity for a family day out. The forest park also contains the 9/11 Memorial.
Lullymore Heritage & Discovery Park
Lullymore, Rathangan
Tel: 045 870238 Fax: 045 870238 Mobile: 086 3241219
Email: ray@lullymoreheritagepark.com
Web: www.lullymoreheritagepark.com
Lullymore Heritage & Discovery Park is a day-visitor attraction located on a mineral island in the Bog of Allen in Rathangan County Kildare-a perfect setting for exploring Irish heritage and the natural environment.
The Park consists of beautiful gardens, woodland walks and historical exhibitions including The County Exhibition for the 1798 Rebellion. Lullymore Heritage & Discovery Park is also the venue for family fun with a large adventure play area, train trips, crazy golf, the funky forest indoor play centre and the pet farm with the famous Falabella horses-this great combination of fun and learning make Lullymore a “must-see” when visiting Kildare.
Facilities include:
- cafe which seats 300 people
- Car and bus parking
- Woodland walks
- Bio-diversity Peatland trail
- Toilets
- Wheelchair accessibility in most are
Maynooth Castle
Tel: 01 6286744
Email: maynoothcastle@ealga.ie
Web: www.maynoothcastle.com
Maynooth Castle, the stronghold of the Earls of Kildare, is a heritage site now open to the public, and is run by Dúchas/Dept. of the Environment, Heritage & Local Govt
Guided tours are available throughout the day. Includes an exhibition on the history of the Castle and the Fitzgerald family
Homework Club- Scoil Choca Naofa
2.40 – 3.40 Monday to Thursday
For children from 3rd to 6th classes
Contact: Ms Mahon
Time: 6.30 – 7pm
Location: Running Track, Kilcock
Contact: Carmel Kelly 087 237 9760
Ballet Classes age 3+ to adult
Time: From 3.15pm
Location: Main Hall in Scoil Choca Naofa
Contact: McDermott Ballet School. Contact is Trisha McDermott: 086 1960226
Kilcock CCE (Comhaltas Ceoilteoirí Éireann)
Various classes for most instruments
Time: 6.30 onwards
Location: Scoil Dara
Contact: Millie (guitar) 086-1780700
Art Club
Time: 2.40 – 3.40
Location: Ms. Carr’s Room
Contact: Ms. Carr
Church Children’s/Youth Choir (For Sat Eve Mass)
Rehearsal days and venue will be announced
Irish Dancing
Scanlon School of Dancing – St Coca’s hall
Tues 3.30-4.30 & 6 – 7
Contact 01 6287908
Time: Tuesday about 6.30pm in Scoil Choca for Under 10’s I think
But check it out!
Training for the older girls is in GAA
Contact: 0872944363 Jim Kenehan
Canoe Polo
Time: TBC
Location: The Canal, Kilcock
Contact: Trish or Bernie on 087 756 0636
Time: 5-7pm
Location: Scoil Uí Riada
Contact: Pat on 087 6678 540
Ballet 3+ to adult
Time: From 3.15pm
Location: Main Hall in Scoil Choca Naofa
Contact: McDermott Ballet School. Contact is Trisha McDermott: 086 1960226
French Club
Time: 2.40 – 3.40
Location: Ms. Tierney & Mr. Bracken’s Room
Contact: Ms. Tierney & Ms. Conboy
Drama Club
Time: 2.40 – 3.40
Location: Ms. Smith & Ms. Field’s Room
Contact: Ms. Smith & Ms. Field
Time: 2.40 – 3.40
Location: The Hall or the field (Weather Dependent)
Contact: Mr. Bracken
Girls Gaelic Football
Under 10s & under 13s
Time: 6pm
Location: GAA, Kilcock
Contact: Val on 087 138 3049 (u/10s) and Sheena Byrne on 087 661 2005(u/13s)
Men, Women, Boys, Girls from 5 years
Time: Friday from 6.30
Location: Scoil Uí Riada
Contact: Patrick White, 0868275075 also at patrick.white2010@hotmail.com
Children’s Church Choir
Practice 5.30 in Parish Church before 6pm Mass
Horse Riding
Time: Various Times
Location: Blackberry Stables, Laragh
Contact: Vinnie on 086 877 8541
Kilcock Basketball Academy
for 6-10 years olds
Scoil Dara Gym 10am – 11am
phone 0879580980 for more details
North Kildare Hockey
Junior Sessions for boys and girls age 5+
Time: 11am – 12pm
Location: North Kildare Rugby Club
Contact: Barbara on 086 9583 944