Scoil Choca Naofa are once again proud to host the 2018 Colour Run.
It was a great success in it’s inaugural year in 2017 – despite the rain! – and we are doing it all again this year on the 26th of May. We hope you can all join us – it raises vital funds for our school – but mostly it’s very, very fun!
The 5km Colour Run will take place along the Royal Canal greenway. Participants can run, jog, walk and of course buggies are welcome.The run will begin at Scoil Choca Naofa at Midday and finish on the Kilcock Harbour. This is followed by an after party in the school.
Before the whistle blows participants will receive a powdered paint. Along the route participants will be further pelted by the paint. The colour used is 100 percent organic and natural.It will not have a negative affect on you. For best results wear a white t-shirt.
All monies raised will go directly towards improving the sports facilities in Scoil Choca Naofa.
It is sure to be a fun filled day for everyone while raising much needed funds for Scoil Choca Naofa.