Do This in Memory – children from 2nd class in Scoil Choca to attend Saturday Masses at 6pm on the following dates
Saturday 23th January 2016 – 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Holy Water Bottle
Saturday 20th February 2016 – 2nd Sunday of Lent-
Thursday 24th March 2016 @ 4pm – Holy Thursday – Cross
Saturday 9th April 2016- 3rd Sunday of Easter
Saturday 28th May 2016 – Feast of Corpus Christi- Rosary Beads
Tuesday February 2nd at 7.30pm
Venue: Scoil Choca Naofa Hall
Meeting about Sacrament of Reconciliation for ALL parents of 2nd Class: parents will choose the date for at which they will present their child for First Reconciliation:
Tuesday February 16th @ 7pm (in Newtown)
Tuesday February 23rd @ 7pm (in Parish Church)
Tuesday March 1st @ 7pm (in Parish Church)
Saturday March 5th (time to be discussed) (in Parish Church)
Tuesday March 8th @ 7pm