Dear Girls and Boys,
We hope that you are all well and that you enjoyed the lovely sunshine, during the Easter holidays! We also hope that your parents and family are keeping well, and that you are all helping your parents a little bit, at home.
This week, we have attached our work for you onto the end of your class teacher’s plan. We thought it was easier to follow, opening just one page. As we said before, our work is not an extra for you to do. Instead, see it as a substitute for any work that your class teacher sets, which might be too difficult for you to do without help.
We are missing you all so much, and we would really love if you could email us, with a little bit of news, something you each did over the Easter holidays….that would make our day! We will reply to you as soon as we hear from you!
In the meantime, do your little bit of schoolwork each day, watch Home School Hub @ 11am on RTE, if you can, and make sure you get fresh air, and exercise, every day. You will have grown so much, when we meet you soon!
Best wishes to all of you,
Ms. Curran & Ms. McCabe.
This week, please email Ms. Curran