Happy Springtime. February 1st, Lá le Bríde (St Brigid’s Day) always signals the lengthening of days and the approach of finer weather.
St Brigid is the patron saint of Kildare and many people in Kildare buy Brigid’s crosses.
This week is also Catholic Schools week and we had a wonderful day of celebrating on Wednesday when we invited the grandparents of Senior Infants, First and Second classes to visit us and share some great stories of when they were children. The visitors were real celebrities and the children were so excited about the visit. They had prepared questions for the grannies and grandads and also songs and poems. The Parent’s Association once again came up trumps with their catering—teas and coffees and lots of home made cakes.
The grandparents treated us to some brilliant stories about their childhoods—days when there was no TV, computer, phone in any house. Some houses were lucky and had a radio; some houses had not even got electricity. Some of them walked 4 miles to and from school no matter what the weather. They told us about some very cross teachers. They learned some of the things we learn but some of the lessons were much harder.
Thank you to all the grandparents who visited and shared a very special day with us.
The Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland (CBOI) was established in 1995 and has played an important part in the intervening years in nurturing cross border/community relations. We were delighted to participate for the first times in the Peace Proms with the CBOI last Saturday. It was amazing for children and teachers to be on the stage as part of this massive endeavour. We had a great time in Simmonscourt, RDS, as we joined with thousands of other Primary school children and staff from around the country to promote a core message of universal peace.
Alan Beardsell, the conductor summarised the event so well: “These are experiences we cannot buy for our children but they will remain with them forever”. Thank you to Ms Soden, Ms Grimes, Ms Mahon, Ms Diggin and Ms Ní Loinn for giving up their Saturday to be with the Choir. We had a ball!!!!
A series of parenting talks has been organised by Kildare County Library service in partnership with HSE Primary Care Psychology Team and is funded by Kildare County Council.
Although the talks are free of charge there is a need to book. Contact Kildare Libraries to see what’s happening.
Also a visit to our local Kilcock Library is always a treat—children (and parents) can borrow a wide range of books.
A Citizen’s initiative has launched 1916, A Guided Tour mobile app. The app will take you on a narrated guided tour of the 12 main rebel outposts in Dublin. The tour starts in Liberty hall and ends in the Garden of Rememberance, Parnell Square. The app contains a slideshow of over 100 photos, music, song, poetry….maybe something to get the 1916 commemoration going?
WEB PAGE – I’m hoping you’re impressed with the REGULAR UPDATING OF THE WEB PAGE – www.scoilchoca.ie
See the web Page for some 1916 hairstyles from a project on The Rising.
If you have photos from Peace Proms, you might email them to school.
Policy review
Some children in our school require prescribed medication either on a regular basis or as once off treatments in emergencies. Medication can only be administered with parents WRITTEN consent and CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS. We are currently reviewing our Policy on the Administration of Medication Policy. A copy of the DRAFT will be sent to all parents who currently have children requiring medicine. Those parents might read and return any suggestions they have to me by Friday 12 Feb. The DRAFT policy is available for all other parents to read on request. (It can be emailed if you supply address.)
Probably the most important information for all parents is that ONLY PRESCRIBED MEDICATION is administered and ONLY with WRITTEN CONSENT. The school MUST be informed if your child has any serious medical conditions, e.g. allergies—and the procedures expected of the school in the case of emergency. It is also parents’ responsibility to update their Emergency Contact Details and to ensure that medication is IN DATE. Remember when a bottle is opened there is an limited time for its continued use.
Stand up for Primary education. Ask the candidates that call to your door for their comments on the following issues in Primary education:
- Average class size in Europe is 20 children per class; some primary schools in Ireland have more than 30 children in a class.
- Support for children with special needs was cut by 15%.
- Many schools have inadequate Broadband and funding for IT equipment is inadequate.
- Primary schools get 92c per pupil per day to cover heating, cleaning, maintenance, insurance, water, etc. etc.
THERE IS NO PEDESTRIAN OR CAR ACCESS FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN THROUGH THE STAFF CAR PARK EITHER COMING TO SCHOOL OR GOING HOME. Please come and talk to me if there is a difficulty; don’t fight with other staff.
I would also ask you to use the PINK PATHWAY through the church ground when you are walking through. Encourage children also as part of SAFE CODE.
PLEASE encourage ALL children to cross with Lollipop Lady Carmel.