Dear Parents/Guardians
Athbhliain fe mhaise daoibh: Happy 2015
Welcome back to Term 2.
As you know exciting things are afoot for Scoil Choca in Sep 2015. Change of status to full stream coeducational school has been granted by Department and Patron, Bishop Nulty. Coeducation will be introduced on a phased basis and affect NEW JUNIOR INFANTS ONLY. The reason behind the change is to allow families to send all their children to the SAME school. Parent reaction to and support for the change has been very positive.
New enrolment forms for all children currently enrolled for Sep 15 in both schools have been distributed and an Enrolment Committee is being established. Statements on progress will be published regularly on website.
There have been inquiries about some children from current Junior and Senior Infants changing schools. While it will not be compulsory, we may be able to facilitate some changes. An evening meeting of Jun & Sen Infant parents of both schools has been suggested to get a better idea of what those particular parents feel. This will be held Tues 3rd, 7-8pm
Some parents have told me they are not receiving school texts. Please ensure I have your correct phone number.
E Learning

Coding week was a huge success. Liffey Champion photographer was here for the presentation of certificates to more than 100 students and photos appeared this week Even Ms Fay completed the course. You can still log onto where there are lots of activities. Many of the children expressed interest in joining an after school computer club. Heidi is researching the possibilities and we will let you know as soon as possible.
Our application for Digital School Award has been processed and we are awaiting validation in the near future. This programme requires schools to demonstrate a positive approach to using ICT in teaching and learning.
Our website has recently been upgraded—some nice photos and interesting comments – Have a look around….
Use of the Internet and Social Media
Cyber bullying Workshop for 5th and 6th classes on Wednesday 21st January.
As you are aware we will welcome Bishop Nulty to Kilcock on Friday 27 February at 11.00 am for Confirmation.
You Shall Be My Witness Programme begins tonight (Jan 15) 7.30-8.30 in Scoil Uí Riada. Special thanks to parent leaders.
Vincent McNamara will take 6th class photographs in school on Wednesday after Confirmation; order forms will be sent home soon. Darren Byrne has been engaged to take video of Confirmation Ceremony—€10 each—order and money in envelope marked DARREN by Feb 6th.
Some Parish News
Well done to all students who participated in Christmas Eve Mass Actors: Mia and Gabby, Yvonne, Lillian, Lauren, Bawi, Amanda and Narrators: Abigail and Eve. Thanks also to parents who were available to help on the night. Special thanks to Sr Francesca who organised all the rehearsals.
I believe the Junior Choir had a great Christmas party; Junior Choir practice continues in the school on Tuesday evenings. New members welcome.
Green Schools News
On behalf of Olivia, thank you for all the stamps that have been donated since Christmas. Collection continues every week.
Tommy constructed a “Five Star” Insect Hotel last Autumn. We now need to start filling the rooms for guests who might like to get out of this wintery weather. Here is a list of some items we need:
5 or 6 empty 2 litre Coke/7 Up bottles; Bamboo canes; Some broken slates or tiles; Some pieces of clay drain pipes; clay flower pots (even broken ones), pine cones.
Mid Term Break
Monday 16th — Friday 20th February
Parents Association – Christmas Activities
Almost €2000 was made at Christmas Sale of Work; thanks to all for contributions.
Well done to 6th classes and their retailing skills.
Special thanks to Aleksandra Grzeszczak who made more than 50 pairs of beautiful earring—really appreciated. Congratulations to all the raffle winners and MÍLE BUÍOCHAS to all who provided excellent prizes: NB Meats, Rye River Café, Deirdre Hearns, Books and Gifts, Black Forest Bakery—your continued support is much appreciated.
Christmas Cards
This was our first year to do school Christmas Cards— everyone was delighted with the beautiful art work.
Drumming Workshop
David Day will visit us on Mon and Tues 2nd and 3rd of March. David’s international Drumming Workshop is always a great favourite.
Fish & Dogs

The fishpond beside the church is a lovely feature for our children to admire—please ask them NOT to throw stones or other objects into the pond.
There is an increasing number of dogs being brought by parents into the playground. Some of our children (and adults) are very afraid of dogs. There are also a number of children who are allergic to animal hair. My biggest concern however is “hygiene”: dogs wee and poo in the area designated as children play space and I don’t think that’s OK.
We don’t have an official policy on pets in the playground but I will consult with the Board on the matter—until then maybe dog owners will consider what’s best!