Reachtáileadh Seachtain na Gaeilge ó 13ú – 16ú Márta in ár scoil. Bhí atmaisféar croíúil spraíúil le brath thart timpeall na scoile agus bhain chuile dhuine an-chuid taitnimh as! Children tried their best to use their cúpla focal throughout the week. Every class completed some fantastic seanfhocal art for display. Seachtain na Gaeilge culminated in a day of fun, music, dance and celebration on Wednesday for a Seó na dTuistí. An exciting ceolchoirm was held in the halla and every class level performed a highly entertaining amhrán, dán nó dráma. Míle buíochas to everyone for taking part and to everyone who helped make the week a huge success. Beatha teanga í a labhairt!