Hello everyone,
It is hard to believe we are near the end of our school year. Thank you all for your support, hard work and enthusiasm during this strange time. You have made us all very proud!
This week we have some fun activities for you. First, we have a school bake off. We have included some recipes in our plan for you. We cannot wait to see what you make. Also at the end of the week we are going on a ‘Virtual School Tour’. We are off to the zoo but we need to take a plane journey to get there first! Get your imaginations ready. We hope you enjoy it.
One of the worst things about being a teacher, is letting your students go on the very last day. It is such a bittersweet thing. We have loved being your teachers. We are sad to see you go but we will remember all of the great times and learning we did together. We will watch as you grow and learn through Scoil Chóca Naofa. We hope you will come and say hello and tell us how you are all getting on in first class and throughout your school days.
Enjoy the summer break and we hope to see everyone in September.
Take care,
Ms. Meehan & Ms. Byrne