
W.O.W. (Walk on Wednesday)

Kilcock SEC (Sustainable Energy Community) in collaboration with An Taisce Green Schools has launched a ‘Walk on Wednesday’ campaign commencing on the 1st June  in all Kilcock Primary Schools – Scoil Chóca Naofa, St Josephs N.S. &  Scoil Ui Riada.

The aim of this campaign is to:
      reduce our carbon footprint
      reduce traffic congestion during school start/finish times
      get some exercise before and after school

It ties in very well with our most recent Green Flag Award for Global Citizenship – Sustainable Travel

Staff members from Scoil Chóca Naofa, wearing neon waistcoats with Scoil Chóca Naofa printed on the back, will meet our children at 4 different meeting points at 8.45 a.m. each Wednesday for the month of June.

(a) Edge of Ryebridge Walkway (closest to the school) 

(b) Garda Station 

(c) Courthouse 

(d) Lidl Carpark.

Here are some photos from W.O.W. so far. Well done everyone!


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